Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Boxee Box review

Boxee Box - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly...

After researching all the options out there to stream content to my TV/Home Theatre, I ended up with Boxee Box and a slight feeling of guilt that I didn't choose Apple TV. Roku and the others didn't stack up once I got into the nitty-gritty of performance and options.  Here's my take on Boxee Box…

·1080p resolution.  Yeah yeah, not a lot of content today.  So what?  When buying a TV these days you only really need to be concerned with two things; 1080p (not just 1080i) and 120Hz (not 60Hz).  Ever see 1080p content on a 1080p display?  WOW!

·Boxee Box "itself" looks awesome!  Any picture you see online doesn't do it justice.  Slick, slick, slick!

·The remote control is smart too.  Full QWERTY keyboard on the back and "Apple-like simplicity" on the front with just the navi functions.  AND it's RF!  No "line of site" limitations here.

·The extra $100 for Boxee Box is only $100.  Get over it.

·Setup was quick but connecting to my network was a nightmare.  This is about the only area that Apple TV wins the comparison joust.  Apple TV syncs just like you would expect it to; smooth and quick.  Streaming from your iPhone or other Apple product to Apple TV is straight forward.  Getting Boxee Box going was not.

·Coming out of "sleep mode", has crashed my Boxee Box enough times now to mention it in this review.  Not all the time, but enough to make me think twice about turning it on.  A little voice in my head always asks me "do I have 10 minutes do F around if it doesn't start?"

·Despite the simple to use GUI OS, navigating through my networked folders and files needs improvement…and quick!  Even my PS3 streams content with more stability.

·Streaming te--nds t-o b--e ji-tt-er-y t-oo mu-ch an-d t--oo oft-en.

·As a "test", I emailed Boxee's customer support and although I did get a reply back, it was three days later and the reply I received appeared to be written by someone that clearly did not spend more than 5 seconds reading my inquiry in the first place.  Fail.

I would likely buy Boxee Box again but only because Apple TV is still way behind with free content and Apps.  Ironic isn't it?

PS - The iPhone app for Boxee (called Boxee Remote) is solid…and a free DL at the App Store.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lin's Sick new Kicks

Nike is set to release the Nike Hyperfuse 2011 Linsanity PE.
Super LINtendo's new kicks feature New York Knick iconic orange and blue with "Lin" sweeping across the side of the heel.

Want more LINsanity??  Get your Super LINtendo gear here:


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Super Rare SCORPION Goal & SCORPION Save!!

If your balls are big enough to attempt a Scorpion move during a professional game, then consider yourself AWESOME!!

Happened twice last month; a SICK SOCCER GOAL by Erlan Mealla followed up by an INCREDIBLE HOCKEY SAVE by Mikka Kiprusoff…OUTSTANDING!!

Here they are if you missed them:

Kipper's save:


Friday, February 3, 2012

APP Review - Fax Burner


The Fax Burner app turns your iPhone into a fax machine.

THE GOOD:  This app and service really is FREE!  Setup is quick.  My fax went through and the read receipt & tracking is really good.

THE BAD:  The app crashed once before going though.  Also, the free version only gives you 5 outgoing faxes total…for life!  Gotta pay for more.  Incoming appears to be unlimited

THE UGLY:  Using the hi-res cam on my iPhone, this app compressed the image so much that it was completely illegible.  No option to improve the resolution either.

THE SKINNY:  If you need to fax a message or basic text, this is a great app!  If you need to scan and send some kind of graphic, you're better off to "fox them".


Free MP3 Site…still works…shhhhhh!

1. Go to

2. Search for your song and click on it when the listing comes up.

3. Do the simple math question to varify that you are human (you only have to do this once per visit)

4. Wait 20 seconds (the perfect amount of time to add a nice comment to my blog)

5. The name of your song will show in GREEN on the right side of the page.  RIGHT-CLICK and "Save target as".  Save the file to your computer.

6.  Taa-Daa!!   :)

**Please add your COMMENTS on my blog and tell me how you like your FREE MP3's!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

APP Review - Magic Jack - Talk Free


This is the third free wifi app that I've downloaded and the only one that actually is free…so far. 

I've made three calls via wifi with ZERO charge and no airtime registered on my usage. 

There is not a "rate page" like other apps which is another hint that they aren't looking for $$$. 

If I get charged somehow, I'll blog again and bust their @sses!  So far, so good though.