Friday, February 3, 2012

APP Review - Fax Burner


The Fax Burner app turns your iPhone into a fax machine.

THE GOOD:  This app and service really is FREE!  Setup is quick.  My fax went through and the read receipt & tracking is really good.

THE BAD:  The app crashed once before going though.  Also, the free version only gives you 5 outgoing faxes total…for life!  Gotta pay for more.  Incoming appears to be unlimited

THE UGLY:  Using the hi-res cam on my iPhone, this app compressed the image so much that it was completely illegible.  No option to improve the resolution either.

THE SKINNY:  If you need to fax a message or basic text, this is a great app!  If you need to scan and send some kind of graphic, you're better off to "fox them".


Free MP3 Site…still works…shhhhhh!

1. Go to

2. Search for your song and click on it when the listing comes up.

3. Do the simple math question to varify that you are human (you only have to do this once per visit)

4. Wait 20 seconds (the perfect amount of time to add a nice comment to my blog)

5. The name of your song will show in GREEN on the right side of the page.  RIGHT-CLICK and "Save target as".  Save the file to your computer.

6.  Taa-Daa!!   :)

**Please add your COMMENTS on my blog and tell me how you like your FREE MP3's!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

APP Review - Magic Jack - Talk Free


This is the third free wifi app that I've downloaded and the only one that actually is free…so far. 

I've made three calls via wifi with ZERO charge and no airtime registered on my usage. 

There is not a "rate page" like other apps which is another hint that they aren't looking for $$$. 

If I get charged somehow, I'll blog again and bust their @sses!  So far, so good though.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Top 3 tracks on my iPod...

1.  Sprawl II by Arcade Fire

2.  Good Feeling by FloRida

3.  Seven Nation Army (Glitch Mob Remix) by White Stripes


Dunk vs Dunk...

Two "all-time" dunks on the same F'n night??  Seriously??

At first glance, man that Griff dunk looks like the dunk of the year.  Consider this though, John Lucas, who is waaaaaay more famous today than he was last week, is 6' 3".  Bron'bron alley-oops over him like he's jumping over a pile of dirty laundry.  Disgusting!  (and I don't even like LJ)


the GOOD:  "Oh ME Oh My"
the BAD:  Kendrick Perkins
the UGLY:  John Lucas


Let's get started...

OK, it seems you have won my lousy opinions.  Let's see how you work vs Wordpress!  So far so good...